Investaura’s new book is now available on Amazon: “Business Planning for Managers and Entrepreneurs”

Investaura Management Consultants is pleased to announce the publication of its new book on Business Planning for Managers and Entrepreneurs (ISBN 978-3-9813734-2-4), written by Pierre A. Lurin, a Managing Partner at Investaura.

The paperback edition complements the hardback edition first published in 2010, which has been updated and improved. Apart from the new cover, the book addresses a wider audience and includes a foreward where the author shares his recent experience acquired over the period 2010-2014, as well as personal insight on current and future trends.

Our highly popular Seminar on ‘Finance for non-Financial Managers’ is coming to you

Have you ever wished that you would better understand Finance and Business Planning? Maybe with a view to take ‘Profit responsibility’ within your company?

Then this seminar is for you.

Accounting and Finance are not hard to learn, and everybody can learn them. The 3-day training will bring you up to speed with the key concepts used in Finance: the difference between cash and profit; key financial ratios; valuation of businesses and investment plans; the cost of capital, and many more.

In addition to trainer-led presentations that are richly illustrated with examples from the Telecoms & IT industry, the participants will solve a series of exercises and work on the ‘TetraStars’ case study.

New Seminar on Business Planning and Entrepreneurship

Investaura is pleased to announce the launch of its new seminar on ‘Business Planning and Entrepreneurship’.  This is a 5-day event that can be booked by business customers and training institutes anywhere in the world, for groups of up to 15 people.

The seminar is lead by one of the Investaura Managing Consultants acting as coach to help participants develop ‘best-in-class’ business planning skills.  Up to 5 case studies are included and discussed with the participants in a highly interactive manner.  In addition, the consultant will help participants get started with their own business plan.

Investaura gives a hand up to entrepreneurs

kivaInvestaura Management Consultants is pleased to support Kiva, a charitable, non-profit organization that works with microfinance institutions on five continents to provide loans to people without access to traditional banking systems.

We believe that providing safe, affordable access to capital to those in need helps people create better lives for themselves and their families.

We strongly encourage you to join us and help alleviate poverty around the world.